CodeT: Code Generation with Generated Tests

21 Jul 2022  ยท  Bei Chen, Fengji Zhang, Anh Nguyen, Daoguang Zan, Zeqi Lin, Jian-Guang Lou, Weizhu Chen ยท

The task of generating code solutions for a given programming problem can benefit from the use of pre-trained language models such as Codex, which can produce multiple diverse samples. However, a major challenge for this task is to select the most appropriate solution from the multiple samples generated by the pre-trained language models. A natural way to evaluate the quality and correctness of a code solution is to run it against a set of test cases, but the manual creation of such test cases is often costly and time-consuming. In this paper, we propose a novel method, CodeT, that leverages the same pre-trained language models to automatically generate test cases for the code samples, thus reducing the human effort and increasing the coverage of the test scenarios. CodeT then executes the code samples using the generated test cases, and performs a dual execution agreement, which considers both the consistency of the outputs against the generated test cases and the agreement of the outputs with other code samples. We conduct comprehensive experiments on four benchmarks, HumanEval, MBPP, APPS and CodeContests, using five different pre-trained language models with varying sizes and capabilities. Our results show that CodeT can significantly improve the performance of code solution selection over previous methods, achieving remarkable and consistent gains across different models and benchmarks. For instance, CodeT improves the pass@1 metric on HumanEval to 65.8%, which represents an absolute improvement of 18.8% over the code-davinci-002 model, and an absolute improvement of more than 20% over the previous state-of-the-art results.

PDF Abstract

Results from the Paper

 Ranked #1 on Code Generation on APPS (Introductory Pass@1 metric)

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Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Result Benchmark
Code Generation APPS code-davinci-002 175B (CodeT) Introductory Pass@1 47.3% # 1
Interview Pass@1 14.3% # 2
Competition Pass@1 6.2% # 2
Code Generation APPS code-davinci-002 175B Introductory Pass@1 29.3% # 3
Interview Pass@1 6.4% # 4
Competition Pass@1 2.5% # 4
Competition Pass@any 14.5% # 2
Interview Pass@any 25.4% # 1
Introductory Pass@any 60.9% # 1
Code Generation HumanEval code-davinci-002 175B (CodeT) Pass@1 65.8 # 28
Code Generation HumanEval code-davinci-001 175B (CodeT) Pass@1 50.2 # 44
Code Generation HumanEval code-cushman-001 12B (CodeT-Iter) Pass@1 45.2 # 51
Code Generation HumanEval code-davinci-002 175B (CodeT-Iter) Pass@1 65.2 # 29
Code Generation HumanEval CodeGen-Mono 16B (CodeT) Pass@1 36.7 # 67
Code Generation HumanEval InCoder 6.7B (CodeT) Pass@1 20.6 # 99
Code Generation HumanEval code-cushman-001 12B (CodeT) Pass@1 44.5 # 55
Code Generation MBPP CodeGen-Mono 16B + CodeT Accuracy 49.5 # 47
Code Generation MBPP InCoder 6.7B + CodeT Accuracy 34.4 # 75
Code Generation MBPP code-davinci-002 175B + CodeT Accuracy 67.7 # 21
Code Generation MBPP code-davinci-001 175B + CodeT Accuracy 61.9 # 32
Code Generation MBPP code-cushman-001 12B (CodeT) Accuracy 55.4 # 40
