Adaptive County Level COVID-19 Forecast Models: Analysis and Improvement

Accurately forecasting county level COVID-19 confirmed cases is crucial to optimizing medical resources. Forecasting emerging outbreaks pose a particular challenge because many existing forecasting techniques learn from historical seasons trends. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) with LSTM-based cells are a logical choice of model due to their ability to learn temporal dynamics. In this paper, we adapt the state and county level influenza model, TDEFSI-LONLY, proposed in Wang et a. [l2020] to national and county level COVID-19 data. We show that this model poorly forecasts the current pandemic. We analyze the two week ahead forecasting capabilities of the TDEFSI-LONLY model with combinations of regularization techniques. Effective training of the TDEFSI-LONLY model requires data augmentation, to overcome this challenge we utilize an SEIR model and present an inter-county mixing extension to this model to simulate sufficient training data. Further, we propose an alternate forecast model, {\it County Level Epidemiological Inference Recurrent Network} (\alg{}) that trains an LSTM backbone on national confirmed cases to learn a low dimensional time pattern and utilizes a time distributed dense layer to learn individual county confirmed case changes each day for a two weeks forecast. We show that the best, worst, and median state forecasts made using CLEIR-Net model are respectively New York, South Carolina, and Montana.

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