Neural Architecture Search


Introduced by You et al. in GreedyNAS: Towards Fast One-Shot NAS with Greedy Supernet

GreedyNAS is a one-shot neural architecture search method. Previous methods held the assumption that a supernet should give a reasonable ranking over all paths. They thus treat all paths equally, and spare much effort to train paths. However, it is harsh for a single supernet to evaluate accurately on such a huge-scale search space (eg, $7^{21}$). GreedyNAS eases the burden of supernet by encouraging focus more on evaluation of potentially-good candidates, which are identified using a surrogate portion of validation data.

Concretely, during training, GreedyNAS utilizes a multi-path sampling strategy with rejection, and greedily filters the weak paths. The training efficiency is thus boosted since the training space has been greedily shrunk from all paths to those potentially-good ones. An exploration and exploitation policy is adopted by introducing an empirical candidate path pool.

Source: GreedyNAS: Towards Fast One-Shot NAS with Greedy Supernet


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