Feedforward Networks

Feedforward Network

A Feedforward Network, or a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), is a neural network with solely densely connected layers. This is the classic neural network architecture of the literature. It consists of inputs $x$ passed through units $h$ (of which there can be many layers) to predict a target $y$. Activation functions are generally chosen to be non-linear to allow for flexible functional approximation.

Image Source: Deep Learning, Goodfellow et al


Paper Code Results Date Stars


Task Papers Share
Object Detection 69 9.34%
Self-Supervised Learning 59 7.98%
Image Generation 37 5.01%
Semantic Segmentation 30 4.06%
Image Classification 19 2.57%
Disentanglement 15 2.03%
Face Swapping 13 1.76%
Language Modelling 11 1.49%
Image Manipulation 10 1.35%
