
Introduced by Zöllner et al. in Optimizing small BERTs trained for German NER

Digital Edition: Sturm Edition

Source: Schrade, Torsten: „Startseite“, in: DER STURM. Digitale Quellenedition zur Geschichte der internationalen Avantgarde, erarbeitet und herausgegeben von Marjam Trautmann und Torsten Schrade. Mainz, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Version 1 vom 16. Jul. 2018.

This NER Dataset is available under the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0)

From the Sturm Edition we have built a NER dataset. These are 174 letters from the years 1914-1922, which are available online in TEI format (see It contains as tagged entities only persons, places and dates. From the original TEI files we build an NER dataset with tags distributed as shown in the following Table

Tag # All # Train # Test # Devel
pers 930 763 83 84
date 722 612 59 51
place 492 374 59 59
not tagged 33,809 27,047 3,306 3,456

We provide the dataset in two formats together with a partition into a train, dev, and testset. The first one is an easy format similar to the well-known CONLL-X format and the second one is an easy json format with the following structure:

It consists of a list of samples. Each sample is in turn a list of words or special characters. These in turn are represented as a two-element list, where the first element is the word itself and the second element is the corresponding target tag. Here is an example:

[[['Peter','B-pers'],[Müller,'I-pers'],['lebt','O'],['in','O'], ['Frankfurt','B-place'],['am','I-place'],['Main','I-place'],['.','O']],[['Gebürtig','O'],['stammt','O'],['er','O'],['aus','O'],['Berlin','B-place']]


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