The “Mental Health” forum was used, a forum dedicated to people suffering from schizophrenia and different mental disorders. Relevant posts of active users, who regularly participate, were extrapolated providing a new method of obtaining low-bias content and without privacy issues. This corpus i then processed to offer a SQUAD (Standford Question Answering Dataset) version in order to train a ML QA model.

The structure is a Json with different keys with the following structure:

{ "data": [ { "paragraphs": [ { "qas": [ { "question": "What is the patient afraid of?", "id": 304425, "answers": [ { "answer_id": 305544, "document_id": 501182, "question_id": 304425, "text": "I’m afraid of people except for my family and a few close friends", "answer_start": 29769, "answer_category": null } ], "is_impossible": false } ], "context": "\t\" I don’t understand why people send aid to other countries and go on missions when our own country people are suffering and have nothing, in the us at least.\"\n\t\"7-21-19 Said \\"What is she afraid of? Afraid of family!?, "document_id": 501182 } ] }


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