Press Briefing Claim Dataset

Introduced by Keller et al. in Automated Statement Extraction from Press Briefings

Press Briefing Claim Dataset

The dataset contains a total of 53 press briefings from a time span of over four years (2017-2021). While, on average, one press briefing per month is held, the distribution is highly skewed towards recent years.

The Press briefings can be categorized into five main thematic categories: Climate, Energy and Mobility, Medicine, Technology and Science. The press briefings are unevenly distributed among the five categories with a major focus on medical press briefings, which also reflects the COVID-19 pandemic.

In total, 177 speakers, excluding the hosts, were detected in the dataset. Most of the time the speakers are invited experts. Excluding the top 10 percentile press briefings as outliers, a press briefing had four guests on average.

The press briefings consist of 3066 passages, 1719 from guests and journalists and 1294 from hosts. Regarding the sentences, 25040 sentences were collected in total, 5955 from hosts and 18942 from guests.


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