PhyMER (PhyMER: Physiological Dataset for Multimodal Emotion Recognition With Personality as a Context)

A physiological signal dataset with multiple physiological signals collected from 30 participants. The dataset consists of EEG, EDA, BVP, and temperature information with annotations in both categorical and dimensional views along with the individual personality traits of the participants for the study of emotions in presence of individual personality differences. The PhyMER dataset consists of the recorded physiological signals, participants' personality information, and emotion annotations in terms of Arousal, Valence, and seven basic emotions.

Modality: Electroencephalogram(EEG), Electrodermal Activity(EDA), Blood Pulse Volume(BVP), Heart Rate(HR), Peripheral Skin Temperature(TEMP), Personality Traits Labels:

Arousal and valence(1-9)

Seven Basic Emotions(Anger, Disgust, Fear, Happy, Neutral, Sad, Surprise)


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