MVB (Multi View Baggage) is a dataset for baggage ReID task which has some essential differences from person ReID. The features of MVB are three-fold. First, MVB is the first publicly released large-scale dataset that contains 4519 baggage identities and 22660 annotated baggage images as well as its surface material labels. Second, all baggage images are captured by specially-designed multi-view camera system to handle pose variation and occlusion, in order to obtain the 3D information of baggage surface as complete as possible. Third, MVB has remarkable inter-class similarity and intra-class dissimilarity, considering the fact that baggage might have very similar appearance while the data is collected in two real airport environments, where imaging factors varies significantly from each other.

Source: MVB: A Large-Scale Dataset for Baggage Re-Identification and Merged Siamese Networks


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