MEIS (M-mode Echocardiograms for Instance Segmentation)

Introduced by Tseng et al. in Real-time Automatic M-mode Echocardiography Measurement with Panel Attention from Local-to-Global Pixels

MEIS comprises a total of 2,639 images in the size of 1024 × 768 toward two recording views (Aortic Valve (AV) and Left Ventricle (LV)) with 1,521 (747 in AV + 774 in LV) images for training and 1,118 (559 in AV + 559 in LV) for testing, respectively. Each view must be detected with two objects to calculate the measurement indicators. That is in total with four object classes (two objects in each view): aortic root (AoR) and left atrium (LA) in AV; interventricular septum (IVS) and left ventricular posterior wall (LVPW) in LV. The medical meaning and purpose of each indicator are listed in the following: • AV: LA-Dimension and AoR-Dimension can be measured for calculating different indicators, such as AoR/LA ratio, to examine the state of the aortic valve. • LV: 6 measurements include IVSs, IVSd, LVIDs, LVIDd, LVPWs, and LVPWd. These concerned thicknesses and dimensions in LV recording are used to estimate other cardiac functions through specific medical formulas, including LV mass, LV ejection fraction, end-diastolic volume, end-systolic volume, and more.


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