Maintenance of Wakefulness Test (MWT) recordings

Maintenance of Wakefulness Test (MWT) is a dataset of recordings with microsleep episodes and drowsiness.

Cite as: Hertig-Godeschalk Anneke, Skorucak Jelena, Malafeev Alexander, Achermann Peter, Mathis Johannes, & Schreier David R. (2019). Maintenance of Wakefulness Test (MWT) recordings (Version v1) [Data set]. Zenodo.

Each file contains a MWT trial (first trial after noon) recording of a patient. The data contains occipital EEG and EOG data. All signals were bandpass filtered between 0.5-45 Hz.

In each file, the data is structured as the following:

fs:   sampling rate.
eeg_O1:   EEG channel O1-M2 where M2 is the mastoid electrode on the opposite side.
eeg_O2:   EEG channel O2-M1 where M1 is the mastoid electrode on the opposite side.
E1 and E2:   EOG channels for left and right eye, both referenced to M1.
labels_O1 and labels_O2:   arrays with expert scoring (0-wake, 1-MSE, 2-MSEc, 3-ED, according to the BERN scoring criteria published in Hertig-Godeschalk et al. doi:10.1093/sleep/zsz163.); length of the arrays is the same as for other signals, i.e. there is a label per sample.
prec:   amount of signal samples per label, in this case it is 1. variables prec and half_prec were not used.
num_Labels:   length of the signal in samples.

Further descriptions, details, and outcomes can be found in the related studies. The published studies which are based on this data and address the borderland between wakefulness and sleep, i.e. microsleep episodes, are listed under related/alternative identifiers.


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