LSA16 (Lengua de Señas Argentina - 16 Handshapes classes)

This database contains images of 16 handshapes of the Argentinian Sign Language (LSA), each performed 5 times by 10 different subjects, for a total of 800 images. The subjects wore color hand gloves and dark clothes.

Recording The dataset was recorded in an indoors environment, with artificial lightning.

Subjects wore dark clothes and performed the handshapes standing, with a white wall as a background. To simplify the problem of hand segmentation, subjects wore fluorescent-colored gloves. These substantially simplify the problem of recognizing the position of the hand and performing its segmentation, and remove all issues associated to skin color variations, while fully retaining the difficulty of recognizing the handshape. The subjects performed the same handshape with both hands.

Each handshape was executed imposing few constraints on the subjects to increase diversity and realism in the database. All subjects were non-signers and right-handed, were taught how to perform the handshape during the shooting session by showing them an image of the handshape as performed by one of the authors, and practiced each handshape a few times before recording.

We employed a generic webcam for the recording, with a resolution of 640 by 480.


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