LIS (low-light instance segmentation)

Introduced by Chen et al. in Instance Segmentation in the Dark

To reveal and systematically investigate the effectiveness of the proposed method in the real world, a real low-light image dataset for instance segmentation is necessary and urgently needed. Considering there is no suitable dataset, therefore, we collect and annotate a Low-light Instance Segmentation (LIS) dataset using a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera.

It exhibits the following characteristics:

Paired samples. In the LIS dataset, we provide images in both sRGB-JPEG (typical camera output) and RAW formats, each format consists of paired short-exposure low-light and corresponding long-exposure normal-light images. We term these four types of images as \textit{sRGB-dark, sRGB-normal, RAW-dark, and RAW-normal}. To ensure they are pixel-wise aligned, we mount the camera on a sturdy tripod and avoid vibrations by remote control via a mobile app.

Diverse scenes. The LIS dataset consists of 2230 image pairs, which are collected in various scenes, including indoor and outdoor. To increase the diversity of low-light conditions, we use a series of ISO levels (\eg, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400) to take long-exposure reference images, and we deliberately decrease the exposure time by a series of low-light factors (\eg, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100) to take short-exposure images for simulating very low-light conditions.

Instance-level pixel-wise labels. For each pair of images, we provide precise instance-level pixel-wise labels annotated by professional annotators, yielding 10504 labeled instances of 8 most common object classes in our daily life (bicycle, car, motorcycle, bus, bottle, chair, dining table, tv).


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