
Defects4J is a collection of reproducible bugs and a supporting infrastructure with the goal of advancing software engineering research.

Defects4J contains 835 bugs (plus 29 deprecated bugs) from the following open-source projects:

Identifier Project name Number of active bugs Active bug ids Deprecated bug ids (*)
Chart jfreechart 26 1-26 None
Cli commons-cli 39 1-5,7-40 6
Closure closure-compiler 174 1-62,64-92,94-176 63,93
Codec commons-codec 18 1-18 None
Collections commons-collections 4 25-28 1-24
Compress commons-compress 47 1-47 None
Csv commons-csv 16 1-16 None
Gson gson 18 1-18 None
JacksonCore jackson-core 26 1-26 None
JacksonDatabind jackson-databind 112 1-112 None
JacksonXml jackson-dataformat-xml 6 1-6 None
Jsoup jsoup 93 1-93 None
JxPath commons-jxpath 22 1-22 None
Lang commons-lang 64 1,3-65 2
Math commons-math 106 1-106 None
Mockito mockito 38 1-38 None
Time joda-time 26 1-20,22-27 21


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