Couples Therapy (Couples Therapy Corpus)

The Couples Therapy corpus contains audio, video recordings and manual transcriptions of conversations between 134 real-life couples attending marital therapy. In each session, one person selected a topic that was discussed over 10 minutes with the spouse. At the end of the session, both speakers were rated separately on 33 “behavior codes” by multiple annotators based on the Couples Interaction and Social Support Rating Systems. Each behavior was rated on a Likert scale from 1, indicating absence, to 9, indicating strong presence. A session-level rating was obtained for each speaker by averaging the annotator ratings. This process was repeated for the spouse, resulting in 2 sessions per couple at a time. The total number of sessions per couple varied between 2 and 6.

Source: Modeling Interpersonal Influence of Verbal Behaviorin Couples Therapy Dyadic Interactions


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