Chilean Waiting List

Introduced by Báez et al. in Automatic Extraction of Nested Entities in Clinical Referrals in Spanish

The Chilean Waiting List corpus comprises de-identified referrals from the waiting list in Chilean public hospitals. A subset of 10,000 referrals (including medical and dental notes) was manually annotated with ten entity types with clinical relevance, keeping 1,000 annotations for a future shared task. A trained medical doctor or dentist annotated these referrals and then, together with three other researchers, consolidated each of the annotations. The annotated corpus has more than 48% of entities embedded in other entities or containing another. This corpus can be a useful resource to build new models for Nested Named Entity Recognition (NER). This work constitutes the first annotated corpus using clinical narratives from Chile and one of the few in Spanish.

Hugging Face datasets: After predicting over each entity type, merge the prediction to obtain your final micro f1-score. This is for a fair comparison with actual state-of-the-art models.


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