Sentiment detection remains a pivotal task in natural language processing, yet its development in Arabic lags due to a scarcity of training materials compared to English. Addressing this gap, we present ArSen-20, a benchmark dataset tailored to propel Arabic sentiment detection forward. ArSen-20 comprises 20,000 professionally labeled tweets sourced from Twitter, focusing on the theme of COVID-19 and spanning the period from 2020 to 2023. Beyond tweet content, the dataset incorporates metadata associated with the user, enriching the contextual understanding. ArSen-20 offers a comprehensive resource to foster advancements in Arabic sentiment analysis and facilitate research in this critical domain.

The ArSen-20 dataset statistics:

Statistics Num
Training set size 16000
Validation set size 2000
Testing set size 2000
Neutral 17262
Positive 878
Negative 1860


The dataset has the following features:

Field Type Description
tweet id string The unique identifier of the requested Tweet.
label string Sentiment Classification of this tweet.
author id string The unique identifier of this user.
created_at data Creation time of the Tweet.
lang string Language of the Tweet, if detected by Twitter.
like_count int The number of likes on this tweet.
quote_count int The number of times this tweet has been quoted.
reply_count int The number of replies to this tweet.
retweet_count int The number of retweets to this tweet.
tweet string The actual UTF-8 text of the Tweet.
user_verified boolean Indicates if this user is a verified Twitter User.
followers_count int The number of followers of the author.
following_count int The number of following of the author.
tweet_count int Total number of tweets by the author.
listed_count int The number of public lists that this user is a member of.
name string The name of the user.
username string The Twitter screen name, handle, or alias.
user_created_at data The UTC datetime that the user account was created.
description string The text of this user’s profile description (bio).


You can download the dataset from here.

  • ArSen-20_publish.csv - Contains all features.

  • ArSen-20_id_only.csv - Contains only tweets and their author's id.


If you use this dataset in your research, please cite the following paper:

title={ArSen-20: A New Benchmark for Arabic Sentiment Detection},
author={Yang Fang and Cheng Xu},
booktitle={5th Workshop on African Natural Language Processing},


If you have any questions or comments about the dataset, please contact Yang Fang (

Potential cooperation in related fields is also welcome. :)


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