AG-ReID (Aerial-Ground Person Re-identification)

Introduced by Nguyen et al. in Aerial-Ground Person Re-ID

Person re-ID matches persons across multiple non-overlapping cameras. Despite the increasing deployment of airborne platforms in surveillance, current existing person re-ID benchmarks' focus is on ground-ground matching and very limited efforts on aerial-aerial matching. We propose a new benchmark dataset - AG-ReID, which performs person re-ID matching in a new setting: across aerial and ground cameras. Our dataset contains 21,983 images of 388 identities and 15 soft attributes for each identity. The data was collected by a UAV flying at altitudes between 15 to 45 meters and a ground-based CCTV camera on a university campus. Our dataset presents a novel elevated-viewpoint challenge for person re-ID due to the significant difference in person appearance across these cameras.


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