Search Results for author: Yining Jiao

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

NeuralOCT: Airway OCT Analysis via Neural Fields

no code implementations15 Mar 2024 Yining Jiao, Amy Oldenburg, Yinghan Xu, Srikamal Soundararajan, Carlton Zdanski, Julia Kimbell, Marc Niethammer

Our interest in this work is OCT in the context of airway abnormalities in infants and children where the high resolution of OCT and the fact that it is radiation-free is important.

3D Reconstruction

NAISR: A 3D Neural Additive Model for Interpretable Shape Representation

1 code implementation16 Mar 2023 Yining Jiao, Carlton Zdanski, Julia Kimbell, Andrew Prince, Cameron Worden, Samuel Kirse, Christopher Rutter, Benjamin Shields, William Dunn, Jisan Mahmud, Marc Niethammer

However, given a set of 3D shapes with associated covariates there is at present no shape representation method which allows to precisely represent the shapes while capturing the individual dependencies on each covariate.

3D Shape Reconstruction Disentanglement +1

iSegFormer: Interactive Segmentation via Transformers with Application to 3D Knee MR Images

1 code implementation21 Dec 2021 Qin Liu, Zhenlin Xu, Yining Jiao, Marc Niethammer

We propose iSegFormer, a memory-efficient transformer that combines a Swin transformer with a lightweight multilayer perceptron (MLP) decoder.

Decoder Image Segmentation +3

Reducing Magnetic Resonance Image Spacing by Learning Without Ground-Truth

no code implementations27 Mar 2020 Kai Xuan, Liping Si, Lichi Zhang, Zhong Xue, Yining Jiao, Weiwu Yao, Dinggang Shen, Dijia Wu, Qian Wang

In this work, we propose a novel deep-learning-based super-resolution algorithm to generate high-resolution (HR) MR images with small slice spacing from low-resolution (LR) inputs of large slice spacing.


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